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Maria Montessori's most prominent work is her book entitled The Absorbent Mind. Throughout all her work she cites this phenomenon in children. It is the reason behind so much of what is incorporated in the Montessori classroom. The absorbent mind is best explained by the child's ability to acquire its native language. Typically developing infants pick up structure, semantics, vocalization, and vocabulary of as many languages as are present in their environment in their first two years.
Similar to language development, the child learns social dynamics and emotional patterns. The child's environment is a continuous stream of information to sort, classify and store. There is no discrimination regarding what is or is not absorbed. Through the process of constant awareness, children not only build their intellect but themselves as participants in society. These experiences are truly the building blocks that can never fully be altered.
Believing in the absorbent mind is why we work to make the Montessori environment rich and full. Having mixed ages allow for the children to learn from each other, and realize their potential. A child who is just learning to count may be picking up the patterns of the decimal system by simply being in the presence of the golden bead game!
As adults, it is our responsibility to always model what we wish to see in children. Patience, kindness, and openness is the top priority in the class, as this is what we wish to build our future leaders with. The use of appropriate and specific language is also important to the child's development. Sharing with them the specific types of plants we encounter, feelings we experience, or the food we are eating, just to name a few, all become part of the child's experience. We aim to only use naturally occurring materials in the classroom to encourage a connection to nature and our Earth.
The children are doing big work every single day! They are constructing themselves!
"The mind, which receives all, does not judge, does not refuse, does not react. It absorbs everything and incarnated it all in the coming man." Maria Montessori
-Primary Teacher