Every Kid Votes!

Nov 01, 2016 12:00am to 11:45pm
Many of you know that the Millipede class is participating in a program called “Every Kid Votes” on November 1st.  This is a program put on by Studies Weekly and allows children across the country to vote for the President of the United States.  There are thousands of children participating in this program and Studies Weekly tells us that for the last 4 elections, the kids have predicted who was officially elected on Voting Day.  (So I’ll let you know on November 2nd who’s going to win ;-)
The children have been learning about the different branches of government and past presidents, among other things.  Now they’ll be learning a bit about each candidate and some kids have expressed they don’t want to vote because they don’t know who to vote for.  We’re encouraging them to find out more information about the candidates to make the best choice they can.  So open up to your kids this week and talk about what you like and dislike about the candidates.  Not to sway your children (though most kids vote the way their parents would) but share with them the conflict you might feel and let them know how you make your choices.
We’ll be voting on the 1st!