Functional Independence

Independence and the young child.

The independence encouraged in a Montessori environment often goes against what culture says about raising children. Our society tells us that children need us to do most tasks for them and in some accurate respect. However, how children need help by allowing them the opportunity to try. Taking the time to sit next to them as they are concentrating on their work, or being nearby to observe. Sometimes this means laying their coat on the table properly so they can proceed with the next steps of sticking their arms in and flipping it over their head. 

From zero to six, a child goes through a formative period, constructing their personality and adapting to the world. Through interactions with the environment, the child builds up self-confidence, a sense of independence, and autonomy. At the toddler community level, independence is defined in terms of toileting, dressing, undressing, eating and food preparation, plant, and animal care, washing clothes, sweeping, gardening, and self-soothing to sleep.  

Functional independence is a priority for children of this age. Children must practice repeatedly to begin accomplishing tasks independently. For the little ones, getting undressed and dressed in their work. This principle applies to the child's other early accomplishments, as they learn to eat independently, pour and drink from appropriately sized glasses or cups, and eat with properly sized utensils.  

Children feel capable when they're caring for their indoor and outdoor environments, which they accomplish through maintaining plants and animals, mopping, sweeping, cleaning windows, gardening, etc. They also feel accomplished when they can care for themselves through activities such as washing their hands, brushing or combing their hair, or wiping their nose.  

Dr. Montessori declared, "How does the child acquire independence? He acquires it using continuous activity. Independence is not static. It is a continuous conquest. And using continuous work, one acquires not only freedom but strength and self-perfection" (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 78). As a result, the Montessori philosophy advocates never giving more help than is necessary, for practice and repetition lead to the attainment of the developing power. The active child, who feels skillful, naturally exerts maximum effort, for his actions progress him down the road toward independence. If we interfere, we become an obstacle to this growing independence.  

As you think about your family, in what ways can you encourage independence at home this spring? Here are some ideas you might be able to incorporate:  

  • Pouring bird seed in the bird feeder  
  • Using child-size garden tools in your garden area  
  • Allowing your child to water the items in your garden or your house plants  
  • Helping to bring a small basket of laundry to the washer  
  • Allowing your child to put the laundry from the washer into the dryer  
  • Putting your child's dishes in a cupboard at his level  
  • Allowing your child to bring his dishes to the sink/kitchen  
  • Having your child feed your family pet  
  • Having a child-size broom and mop available for messes and spills  
  • Placing the brush or comb at your child's level  
  • Hanging a mirror so a child can see himself as he is brushing his teeth, wiping his face, or caring for his hair  

If you would like to explore these ideas more and need assistance in how to make these work with your specific situation, please don't hesitate to ask. We'd love to hear how your family is joining to support the growing independence of your child.

Ms. Cristina, Beetle Teacher 

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