Inspire Your Child To Succeed

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step

For generations, Montessori teachers have practiced methods designed to inspire your child on his or her journey to adulthood. By setting goals together and building positive thinking, our accredited teachers have provided a social, emotional and academic framework that has enhanced each child’s overall maturity. 

But tell me! Specifically, HOW can I help my kids towards reaching social, emotional and academic maturity? How do I create, foster and sustain the BEST of what they are and can be?

Every Winner Was Once a Beginner

Great question! 
In return, here’s a question for you.
“How do you get to Carnegie Hall?” 
“Practice, practice, practice.” 

Whether your child is six or sixteen, the journey moving forward begins with you! You begin by instilling how today’s repetition, routine and readjustment build tomorrow’s progress from ‘potential’ to ‘professional.’ 
Practice makes perfect, still!

Whether it’s math, athletics or ‘Mathletics,’ when parents embrace the mantra of practicing daily, practicing with specific goals in mind, and practicing in tandem, their kids get it and get inspired by it.

Set Goals Together To Create Benchmarks for Success

The Center for Parenting Education believes “a positive outlook in all aspects of a child's growth is vital to success and reaching their potential. Whether it's through positive reinforcement, actions or comments, having a "glass half full" outlook resonates with kids. And if at first they don't succeed, trying again instills a sense of confidence and self-reliance, which will pay off throughout their childhood and beyond.

What goals should we employ? That’s for you and your child to discuss. 
Just determine in a positive thinking, pro-active and ‘mistakes are good’ mode what your child wants and how—we—can move forward together. 

Building Their Self-Confidence by Embracing Their Passions

For 150 years, millions of boys have wanted to be a Major League Baseball player.

But dads know that only 750 ball players will get to be major leaguers this year. And the odds are less than being struck by lightning that our baby will ever achieve such heights. Regardless, the key is treating our children’s dreams with care and respect because that’s what will build their self-confidence and perseverance to get better.

Throughout this journey from adolescence to the teen years, social and emotional skill sets become interwoven with competition and personal performance. Kids learn how to win; how to lose; how to work together; even how to believe they can push beyond their talents by simply working at it every day. 

Over time, practice builds ability. Ultimately, a dream embraced at age six matures to form social and emotional experiences that will last a lifetime.


These touchpoints—how to inspire your child; how to set goals together; and how to use positive thinking—will instill how practice builds possibilities.

Imagine your child’s 2022 dream being realized exactly ten years from today. Here, on this balmy, beautiful spring afternoon your entire family walks on freshly mowed grass past the auditorium to the ballyard to watch your baby play Game Number One on the high school Varsity team. 
While watching this teen team, you’ll see the results of a decade of practice from Pee Wee to Prime Time. 

One can’t tell if they will become a major league ballplayer or not, but they will reach the major leagues in their chosen field. 
And you were instrumental in that development!

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