(858) 759-0631
Dear Parents,
In spite of our short week last week, much was accomplished. We continued our study of rivers and seeds and started a new chapter in geometry - the study of lines. The children are continuing to develop their skills at choosing work and carrying it out independently. I see choices that are "spin-offs" of the actual lessons I gave. This is a good thing. It shows that the child has internalized the lesson to the point of using it to invent.
This makes me think of the stage of development that our children are entering now - the second plane of development starts at about the age of six and continues to about the age of twelve. This is the stage called childhood. The children are busy developing strength in both body and intellect. They no longer want to know "What?", they now want to know "Why?". As they strengthen their reading and writing skills, children are taking in more advanced concepts than before and will be asking many, many questions. Some of these are inspiring, some of these are amusing and some of these are a little hard to answer. "Let's find out together," is a good place to start. You, the parents, are the child's first and most important teacher.-Mrs. Stone, Millipedes Teacher