Montessori Elementary School Misperceptions and Realities

Although millions of American children attend Montessori school primary programs, an overwhelming majority are uprooted following Kindergarten and placed into traditional elementary schools rather than continuing Montessori methodology through Grade Six. Why? Here are three Montessori elementary school misperceptions and realities.  

Montessori Elementary School Misperceptions 


  • Misperception #1—Montessori schools are only for preschool-aged kids
  • Misperception #2—Montessori elementary schools are too expensive
  • Misperception #3—Montessori elementary school teachers are not state-certified.

Realities About Montessori Elementary School


  • Reality #1—When taught from Toddler through Grade Six, Montessori ‘whole child’ academic, social and emotional learning connects a child to one learning philosophy throughout his or her formative learning years.
  • Reality #2—Montessori elementary private school costs are far less than their private elite and faith-based elementary school cohorts. Of course, all private schools have fees associated with them.
  • Reality #3—Montessori elementary teachers have earned certifications from both the State and the American Montessori Institute. In addition, they are experienced, talented educators. Many previously taught in traditional schools but shifted gears into what they saw as a better way to teach children.

A Core Reality of Tomorrow’s Educational Needs


If today’s family decision is moving into an upscale neighborhood to attend a better suburban, traditional elementary school and automatically fare better in tomorrow’s San Diego workplace, you might reconsider ‘why.’ 

True: There’s no cost associated with your children attending a public elementary school.

Aye, but here’s the rub: Education provides the foundational incline leading to NextGen success—financially, academically, socially and culturally. 

In a Montessori independent elementary school, students have smaller classroom sizes which provide access to more guidance from the teacher. This environment provides children the space to think independently in support of their future problem-solving. 

We hope these Montessori elementary school misperceptions and realities are helpful as you continue seeking the ‘best’ school for your child. At day’s end, a Montessori preschool program complemented with a Montessori elementary school education is an excellent opportunity for your child to excel. Tomorrow’s employers will be seeking neither ‘good nor better’ grads for top slots. They’ll want only the ‘best.’

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