(858) 759-0631
There are many ways that Montessori elementary education differs from traditional Education. Montessori education is individualized, self-paced, and interdisciplinary. The children are encouraged to be independent, reasoning, and self-motivated people. But why are our classrooms run this way?
Children in the second plane of development (ages 6 - 12) show characteristics specific to that age. These include imagination, intelligence, morality, justice, compassion, and hero worship. Our curriculum is designed to appeal to these characteristics, not as a set syllabus. Any subject can be considered in combination with any other subject of interest. We euphemistically call introducing these subjects "planting seeds," some sprout immediately and further down the line. We are encouraged by Dr. Montessori to sow as many seeds as possible.
The children are introduced to the various curriculum categories through a series of Great Stories. All of them emphasize that there is order and logic in the world and the universe. All things function according to laws, fulfilling their task. The Montessori teacher becomes a "storyteller of the truth." We introduce the child to respect for all through the incredible story of truth related to the cosmic plan. We call this Cosmic Education. The significance of Cosmic Education is that it provokes the individual to responsible actions, relationships, and thoughts.
Academic subjects are taught, and standards are met with the idea that there is a specific body of knowledge that society expects a person of a certain age to possess. The children learn to respect that expectation and behave accordingly. That requirement being fulfilled, they are free to explore the world and the universe according to their interests and learning styles, our goal being young people who understand the harmony around them, enjoy and respect it, and work toward finding their special place therein - quite a different goal than traditional Education.
-Mrs. Stone, Millipede Teacher