Toddlers Washing Hands!

Although we had a good week in the Butterfly classroom, we've had some illnesses in the classroom.  In the classroom, the materials are sanitized every day and we practice good hygiene such as washing our hands before touching the materials, after going to the bathroom, and before eating snacks or lunch. We always remind children to cover their mouth when sneezing or coughing and wash their hands after. * It is extremely important that you continue with the same practices at home and that you keep your ill child at home until he is well.

Children get ill more often than adults. Their immune systems are weaker because they are not yet fully developed. Unfortunately, most children are not as conscious of personal hygiene as they should be, therefore greatly increasing their risk of illness and the likelihood they will pass it on. As a parent, it is not always easy to teach proper handwashing and dental hygiene. If it's a battle to get your children to wash their hands and brush their teeth, here are some tips that may help your children:

Make it fun

Children always respond better to activities that they perceive as fun.  Scents, vivid colors, and fun shapes are great for soap. Say a rhyme or sing a song while washing your hands.

Set a good example

"Do as I say, not as I do" is not a practice that children respond to. If you want your child to practice good hygiene, they must see that you do the same. Make a point of routinely washing your hands and brushing your teeth when your child is present. Your children look up to you. You must set the example.

Enforce routines

Washing hands and brushing teeth should be something that becomes second nature to your child. Every morning and every night before bed, make sure hygiene happens at the same time and consistently. Before meals, always have children wash their hands, even at restaurants or away from home.

Time matters

It is important to instill a timeframe for your child so that they understand how long is appropriate for washing and brushing. A useful trick is to tell your child to sing a song like “Happy Birthday” twice before they stop washing their hands. For brushing teeth, play a song that lasts about three minutes or purchase a timer so your child is aware of when to stop.

Keep it "top of mind"

Remind your children of how important it is to practice good hygiene. Explain to them that, although they may not see germs, they are present and can make them sick. Connect hygiene to illness by reminding them of the last time they were ill. The memory may be powerful enough to convince them of the importance of good hygiene.

-Butterfly Teacher

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