What are the Points of Interest in Montessori Terminology?

Points of interest is a valuable piece of Montessori terminology, a point of interest is something we call attention to to highlight detail to a child. As parents sometimes wonder if our young children will be able to stay focused during a Montessori presentation, one on one lesson that a teacher gives to a child, there are several ways in which teachers make their presentations irresistible to young children, one of these is by providing points of interest, which are unique and different for each child.

Since toddlers are sensorial explorers, perceptual details are what catch their attention most, such as:

  • the sound -or lack thereof as we place a pitcher on the table
  • the look of a tray that's been put carefully on a shelf, with its front lined up with the edge of the shelf
  • the feel of a dry tabletop 
  • the sound of the water while filling a pitcher 

Points of interest help bring a child's attention to what he/ she doesn't see yet, points of interest are a valuable tool for changing behavior, improving a skill, or offering praise (much more meaningful praise than "Good job") 

for example, 

  • To change behavior:

“When you speak with a gentle voice, I am very eager to hear what you have to say”

  • To improve a skill:

“When your bed is made neatly, the covers lie smooth and flat” 

  • As praise 

“When you pour carefully with both hands, not one drop spills” 

Points of Interest are the facts we want to bring to a child's consciousness. You may be surprised to discover that pointing out facts can indirectly, yet effectively, transform a child's behavior. Because young children are in the process of perfecting themselves, they respond well to points of interest.


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