What to Eat For a School Day

Breakfast is a very important meal in the day, and we ask that your child get some form of protein during breakfast as they are expending a lot of energy during our 3-hour work period. Fruit is also important as it is a complex carbohydrate and will last longer than the quick fix of pop-tarts or other like items. We suggest eggs, whole grain bread or muffins, fruits, hot cereals, and yogurt as a good start to the day. These foods have "staying power" and your child will be happy to work all morning. Proper food will feed the brain, allowing it to function at a higher level!

We ask the same for lunch. There are still another 2 hours of school after lunch and your child will need lots of energy. Please send Protein: meat, fish, chicken, boiled egg, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, almond butter, etc., Vegetables: carrot, tomato, celery, cucumber, jicama, peas, corn, etc., Fruits: banana, apple, orange, grapes, melons, peaches, plums, etc., Grains: please send whole grain foods and seeds (no loose nuts). Please cut food into bite-size pieces to further the independence of the child. When a child does not like the food in their lunch box we will wrap it back up and send it home to you so that you may discuss with your child why they did not like it and therefore not send it again.

We request that you do not bring desserts to school. The Montessori method has a strong base in real-life activities and materials. For this reason, we ask that you supply "real" and healthy items in your child's lunch, not heavily processed and packaged foods like Lunchables and go-gurts."

 Also, when possible, include your child in the preparation of their lunch (from shopping, selecting, and preparing the items). This is a great opportunity to discuss healthy, balanced choices.

-Grasshopper Teacher

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