Why Montessori Benefits A Child

Dr. Maria Montessori spent her life observing and interpreting children’s behaviors. 

Her approach to education focused on teaching each child as an individual, thereby creating unparalleled Montessori benefits.

The Montessori Method philosophy she created believes that every child has a specific set of inherent skills that teachers can find and focus on creating an independent and successful adult.

By that, she meant building skills such as:

  • Independence
  • Motivation
  • Confidence, and
  • A lifelong love of learning.

Today, these skills are built into our Montessori toddler, primary, kindergarten, and elementary school programs offered at Lifetime Montessori school in San Diego via learning how and why things work.

As a result, here are the different fundamental foundations of the Montessori Method which vary from those taught in the majority of public and parochial schools:

  • Success in school is just one indicator of what it takes to become a successful adult. This runs counter to the ‘myth’ that success in school predicts success in life
  • Students should be encouraged to follow their passions as tools towards total growth rather than being forced to study curricula not liked simply because it’s a pathway to money and career
  • Children turn out better when they learn to do things for themselves and take responsibility for their actions early on. This runs counter to the ‘myth’ that kids will turn out better when parents help them
  • Children need to deal with adversity and learn to bounce back in new, positive ways going forward. This runs counter to the ‘myth’ that children should be shielded from all negative family events like job loss, sickness, or divorce
  • Children do not all grow and blossom at the same time and the same speed because they are individuals from their earliest days.

The takeaway here is that Montessori schools seek to foster kids’ growth by letting them learn how to manage themselves independently while having the teacher as a guide by their side, should they need them. 

The Montessori Method is now 110 years old. Within that time, Americans have raised their children from a ‘children should be seen and not heard’ era to a world of ‘helicopter parents.’

The one constant: Montessori classroom teachers still teach children as individuals who learn by themselves at their speed and follow their passions. 

That’s how Montessori benefits a child!

Is the Montessori Method for you?

Lifetime Montessori School in Santaluz teaches students aged eighteen months through elementary school in a loving, caring environment. 

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