Toddler Program

Dealing with a Tantrum the Montessori Way

Many of you were asking about how we deal with temper tantrums in our classroom, so I would like to expand on this subject. We always keep in mind that toddlers and tantrums tend to go hand in hand, and it is essential to remember that this phase will pass. A temper tantrum is usually a result of your child not being able to express themself verbally effectively, which leads to intense frustration.

Toddler Independence Tips

I’d like to share a few tips on helping our little toddlers be more independent with dressing and undressing at home. Our cold days are mostly gone, and we need to plan accordingly before we head out of our house, right? This is the perfect time to teach a child how to get dressed.

Toddler Self-Care

This month, we have been learning about self-care and taking care of others. Some of the things we are working toward are dressing, covering our coughs and sneezes, wiping our noses, cleaning our own space, putting our work away, and grace and courtesy. They are also learning to identify their physical needs and how to take care of themselves. Now is the time to offer the opportunity to learn self-care.


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