(858) 759-0631
Toddler Program
Order and Consistency
The Importance of Order and Consistency for Toddlers
Have you ever wondered what causes your child to have a meltdown when you take him/her to the store after school? Does your child ever have tantrums that seem to come out of nowhere?
The Importance of Freedom of Movement in Toddlers
Life Skills & How to Give a Lesson at Home
Toddlers very much enjoy learning life skills. Activities, which up until now have been going on around them but which they can now do themselves, are seemingly irresistible: getting dressed, preparing snack, setting the table, cleaning a spill, sweeping the floor, etc. The Toddler classroom provides the opportunity for the toddler to acquire the skills to “do it by myself”.
Supporting Your Toddler's Independence at Home
You can help at home by always keeping an eye out for ways to enable your child to do things for themselves, Here are a few ideas:
Art for Toddlers
What Will Your Child Learn in a Toddler Montessori Environment?
Dr. Maria Montessori, the Italian educator, and scientist who, more than 100 years ago, developed the system of education that bears her name, knew that during the period from birth to age 3, your child’s brain develops more rapidly than at any other time, and more learning takes place than at any other stage of development.
Toddlers Crave Independence
Dr Montessori said: "Help me to do it by myself" which means we don't help the child to do something that he is capable of doing on his/her own.
Conversations with a Montessori Toddler
We started the school year by teaching grace and courtesy to the toddler children. Grace and courtesy lessons help children become oriented to the prepared environment. We know these activities serve as tools for functioning in the classroom, using the materials, and interacting respectfully with others.
Respectful Discipline and Language to Support Emotional Intelligence
What happens at school when a child misbehaves? Do you do time-outs? What if my child bites?
Foster Toddler Independence
The Montessori toddler program is centered around helping Toddlers become independent and confident. As Montessorians, we understand that supporting a child means preparing them for life—and often, that means helping them do things for themselves, being by their side as they struggle with new challenges, and savoring the pride that comes from succeeding to foster toddler independence. Much of our teaching in the Toddler Community centers around independence tasks, such as: